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Contact Us

We are here for you 24/7 365

Everyone is free to contact us at anytime, please use the dedicated e-mail below for the specific subject inquiry.

For clients we recommend the use of our integrated support system:  

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Please note we respond to inquiries based on priority. Client inquiries are always with priority and technical issues / trading related issues are the top priority. General questions can take up to a week for an answer.


For support inquires please use:
[email protected]

For general inquiries please use:
[email protected]

For marketing please use:
[email protected]

For career inquiries please use:
[email protected]

Office addresses:

  • Sai-fu Building, Block 2, Office 1, 1st Floor, Zone 20, Providence, Mahé, Seychelles

  Tel: +248 4373313 (09:00 - 18:00 GMT)

* Phone line is available Monday to Friday

Alternatively you can get in touch with us via   

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