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Knowledge base

XBTFX is continuously working at expanding its knowledge base. Most traders will be able to find answers to their questions in the Knowledge base and we always add more content to it when we find important information is missing from it based on your inquiries. Before contacting us via our Helpdesk we strongly encourage you to check our Knowledge Base.

Help Desk

To visit our Help Desk you need to be logged in with your account via the Trader's Portal on XBTFX. We typically reply within an hour from receiving your inquiry, however, depending on current load and market conditions it can take up to 24 hours to receive a reply from us.

We work 24/7 including on national holidays. However, response might be slower during holidays and weekends.

We prioritize technical issues and trading relate problems over general inquiries.

For general inquires please go to Contact Us page and direct the inquiry to the appropriate e-mail.

Social Media

XBTFX has an active Social Media presence and we welcome client communication via those channels. Imbedded within our Website is a Facebook Messanger that our Support team looks at constantly. We are also active on Twitter and Reddit.

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